The best choice for growing your business
The simplest solution for production management
Quick and easy management
TecnoCAM STANDARD provides the user with a tool that allows her to import files from the most common design software and generate files for communication with CNC machines, as well as preparing material lists indicating the weight treatment of the profiles. TecnoCAM STANDARD allows you to generate 3D drawings of elements with the necessary workings (holes, cuts, etc.).
With TecnoCAM it is possible to model individual parts and generate bills of materials and CAM files to send to the production machines. This feature is very useful when you have only PDF or printed paper drawings of the parts to be produced. It is also very useful when quick changes are needed in already modelled parts.
Data import: it is possible to directly import the files generated by CAD design software: TecnoMETAL with the function of importing CAM files, or XSR and NC/NC1 files (DSTV) and importing XLS files, which allow you to save time in sending information to CNC machines, avoiding the generation of errors due to designs that are scarce or difficult to interpret.
It allows you to extract BOM from drawings, or create manual lists that can be printed or exported to Excel ™.
Lists can be divided into generic lists with all elements, bolts list, profile cutting, CAM file processing, lists by marks and by assembly.
The Sketches contain all the information for the production of every single element and the information for the CNC machines. The sketches (or CAM files) can be displayed on the computer or printed to be given to the operator. The sketches can be customized to contain only the information of specific processing steps.
TecnoCAM STANDARD allows you to manually manage the sending of CAM files to numerical control machines.
The various cnc machines can be configured and, depending on the different settings, TecnoCAM generates the dedicated file to send the correct information.
TecnoCAM also contains a series of extremely useful commands such as: sheet nesting, creation of DXF files from CAM files and vice versa, creation of CAM files of folded profiles and transformation of welded and folded profiles into plates, search and verification of equal CAM files, change of the hole processing procedure, increase or decrease of the drilling diameter directly in the CAM file, creation of CAM file from the list.